Getting Started

Ready, Set, GO!

If you have ended up on this page, my guess is you already have some kind of desire or interest in changing your life. Good for you! While I encourage you to dive in and get started on your fitness or health goals, I want to make sure you are prepared. Below, I have provided some information which will lead you down the right path.

The Health and Fitness Industry racks in over $35 billion dollars annually. We, the consumer, spend $35 billion dollars each year to get in shape, yet over 65% of America is obese. Over half of our country is overweight! That doesn't equate. Obesity has become an epidemic in our country, causing major health issues including coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, raised blood pressure, diabetes, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, and various cancers. Being fat is killing us. 
Do I have your attention?  It's no wonder major businesses are collecting our money with weight loss products and scams, when everyone around us is desperate to lose weight. I have witnessed people close to me make major investments in home equipment, then never use it! What if I told you we don't need to invest in products and gadgets we won't ever use-invest in yourself. 

Listen, I'm here to give it to you straight, there are no magic pills or super potions. Here is the one secret to success: put down the remote, get out of your box, stop feeding into the gimmicks, and go work for what you want! 
*Get medical approval from your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Dress for Success
Wear comfortable clothing that fits properly and moves with your body. Your sneakers should be flat and neutral.

Reasonable Expectations
Look for the active opportunities in your day.
You always hear "park the car further from the door, get off the train a stop early, skip the elevator & take the stairs."  Hello! The reason these little tips are popping up everywhere is because they are tried and true!

Make it Fun
Find physical activity that you enjoy and incorporate it into your daily routine. Recruit a buddy to join you! Add variety to your workout. Try a new exercise DVD. Have you ever tried extreme frisbee?

Walking is affordable, easy, and enjoyable! 

Find friends or co-workers with similar goals. Tell them you are making a lifestyle change, they might be interested in joining you! 

Read my Blog
This site was created for you. Bookmark it! 
I made this blog is so you can have something to relate to and reference at any time. Please submit any questions to me and I will discuss them.

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