Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day workout!

(*This workout was after my 3 mile run. Perfect for cardio, balance & core training. I threw in some biceps because I never train them!)
1 minute: Back pedaling (run backwards)
2 minutes: Traveling lateral hops (wide leg squat, hop up high and step leg out to the side to shift weight. like skipping to the right or left)
1 minute: Walking lunges
1 minute: High knee skips (literally skipping, bringing the knee as high as possible)
1 minute: Single leg dumbbell deadlift with a reverse fly (left leg)
1 minute: Single leg dumbbell deadlift with a reverse fly (right leg)
1 minute: Alternating lateral lunges with a leg lift (keep weight over the bent leg and lift straight leg up into the air as high as possible)
1 minute: Pushups!
1 minute: Burpees with overhead dumbbell shoulder press
1 minute: Single leg bicep curl (left leg)
1 minute: Single leg bicep curl (right leg)
1 minute: Alternating lateral lunges with a leg lift
1 minute: Burpees with overhead dumbbell shoulder press
2 minutes: Traveling lateral hops!
2 minutes: Walking lunges with bicep curls
1 minute: Overhead dumbbell shoulder press (keep abs tight!)
1 minute: Pushups!
1 minute: Plank
1 minute: Burpees with overhead dumbbell shoulder press
1 minute: Single leg bicep curl (left leg)
1 minute: Single leg bicep curl (right leg)
2 minutes: Traveling lateral hops
1 minute: Plank with shoulder taps (tap your hand to your opposite shoulder)
2 minutes: Reverse walking lunges with overhead press
1 minute: Alternating lateral lunges with a leg lift.

Tag me in a picture or your status on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter letting me know how you did!
Then go home. Protein, lay on the floor, shower.

I hope all of you had a fun weekend!

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