Thursday, May 9, 2013

Misplaced immunity

Ok, so, I'm your personal trainer.
You come to me and say "Meghan I want capped shoulders." I put you to work tell you what to eat & when to eat it and boom, 4 weeks later you start to see your shoulder caps. Or how about "Meghan, I want round glutes." Very well, 4000 walking lunges...go! 
Or maybe you call me one morning and say "Meghan, I'm not feeling so hot today, I think I'm catching a cold."  Hold the phone! I'm actively promoting wellness and trying to prevent illness here: stay in bed, take some meds, drink tea I don't want to hear your voice until you can do 10 burpees without hacking a lung or spreading your nasty cold germs.

So I want to know two things here.
 1) Why the hell can I not follow my own advice when I'm sick? 
I practice what I preach. To the letter. The whole "do as I say not as I do" principle doesn't fly with me. If we tell someone to do something, shouldn't we be doing it as well? Yes! Unfortunately when I am sick, my advice is suddenly irrelevant and I find myself in the gym working my ass off in hopes of sweating out the bacteria. I feel that I'm the Sheldon Cooper of sick people. Except I'm slaying my body in the gym despite my burning eyes, runny nose and manly cough. And I am far too stubborn to take medicine (Ok, totally not Sheldon Cooper). 

 2) How the hell did I get sick in the first place?!
On a daily basis I take a multivitamin, drink over a gallon of water, enjoy a few glasses of natural green tea (from a tea bag, people-not the stuff with an added pound of sugar), I have a healthy obsession with fresh fruit and raw veggies, I exercise and I sleep an average of 7 hours every night. I even add a table spoon of apple cider vinegar (which tastes like absolute piss) and lemon to hot water every morning to make sure these little sickly events don't occur. 

I wish I could say I'm going to take the day off and rest today, but I don't see that happening. 

Immunity protein shake! 
7 ice cubes for volume. I usually use 6, but I was feeling froggy.
A handful of blueberries. 18, I counted, but I have tiny hands.
8oz orange juice
A spoonful of 0% Greek yogurt
A dash of cinnamon
3/4 scoop vanilla protein.

So delicious. 

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