Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pilates and Puppies

Before I got the flu a few weeks ago, I was running 3-4 miles a day.. so to celebrate my first day cleared to exercise, I laced up my Nikes, and... just kidding, I totally didn't go running.
But I did do an hour and a half of Pilates for the first time in two years! Just when I think I'm a tough cookie, Pilates shows up, makes my muscles shake, leaves me dripping in sweat, and gets me feeling long and lean (when you are 5'0, the long and lean feeling doesn't come often).
My dogs are making sure I don't drop my plank.
"Pilates is designed to give you suppleness, natural grace, and skill that will be unmistakably reflected in the way you walk, in the way you play, and in the way you work." -Joseph Pilates

My Top 10 Reasons to Practice Pilates:
1) Get a stronger core
2) Establish body awareness
3) Engage neglected muscle groups
4) Improve posture
5) A leaner physique
6) Reduce back pain
7) Increase flexibility
8) Overall strength without bulk
9) Improve coordination
10) Stress Relief 

It felt so great to finally workout after two weeks! Maybe tomorrow I'll go running.
And do some more Pilates.

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